Wednesday, 31 October 2012


Noise soaked, reverb drenched, flailing assualt of HARDCORE PUNK! This one caught me off guard wasn't expecting to be completely flattened. Its nasty but there are songs in here, it aint just a one horse pony noisecore record. Its got that Cult Ritual, Total Abuse, Sex Vid falling apart noise punk vibe but I also hear a lot of Japanese influences and yet remaining firmly USHC rather than D-beat retread. Possible 7" of the year, its just a rager with great riffs and pissed off vocals. Also there are songs here that get stuck in your head.

email or for Orders/Postage/Enquiries.

£4 not including postage paid.

Listen here and tremble...


D-beat wallop! Simple but effective songs, they remind me of Firmeza 10. Both bands are a trio, both have great vocalists and both play heavy raw D-beat. The vocals on this 7" sound a bit metal with a heap of reverb that makes the band sound hellish. The riffs are all punk though and the drums sound like a caveman who someone taught to play D-beat. Comes with insert.

Email or for Orders/Postage/Enquiries. £4 not incl. postage paid.

Buy this record! Look at how fuckin mean they look!

And listen to how mean they sound!


A stomper! If Discharge had jammed with Feel the Darkness era Poison Idea and then they had all gone straight edge! (It is difficult to imagine those bands as straight edge thanks to horrendous amounts of booze and drugs I imagine they consumed). This is a great debut 7", well constructed with great songs, fast and pummeling. To me they sound like a heterosexual No Talk, similar riff style like Poison Idea, maybe thats just me though. Anyway BUY OR DIE!

Email or for Postage/Enquiries/Orders. £4 not including postage paid.

Listen to track here...

Tuesday, 30 October 2012


Sunflare - Young Love 12" - £10

4 tracks of blown out completely fried and wasted psych! Think High Rise/Mainliner/Ohkami No Jikan/Birds of Maya. Just in the red, broken psych rock marching across your face with tons of fuzz and wah! Total power trio wipeout.

Email or for enquiries/orders/postage.

listen to this and let your brain cave in...

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Label and Distro news

Really proud to announce a new release for Found Dead records will be a VERGLAS 7". More details soon, but this will definitely be a monster.

Rags and Blood demo cassette will also be ready very very soon, here is a preview track until then

This is what the covers will look like and the tapes will come housed in a jiffy bag with artwork printed on rags.

Coming soon - FD001 Rags and Blood - Demo Cassette, FD002 Verglas 7".

also on its way... Sun flare - Young Love 12", Nomad - S/T 7", Natural Law - Find The Flock LP, Violent Reaction 7", Redflesh - Raw War 7", Hunted Down - Life's Womb 7", Marching Church - Throughout the Borders 7", Vaginors 7", Ash to Dust 7" and many more...


Zines - £2

Limited Readership - Issue 3
Distort - #37
Distort - #38

Tapes - £3

Lost Flood - Demo 1
Lost Flood - Demo 3
Vixens - Baptism
White Medal - Blod o t'North Secur/Lam
White Medal - Alone as Owt
Axnaar - Crucifixion Mass
C.S.B. - Bend Over That Bench You Wicked Wench
Remores - S/T Demo 1
Sump - VII: Ways To Pass Into Death
Roases - Wealth of Abuse
Female Borstal - S/T live
Verglas - Satanism Juvenile
Woddrea Mylenstede - Untitled
No Fucker - Demos (£6 quid cus its a double cassette and came of the US)

CD - £5

Foot Hair - Demo
Nightstick - Rock and Roll Weymouth

7" - £4

Perdition - S/T
Veins - S/T
Inservibles - Demo 2008
Stab - Nation Rising
Heilig Tod - S/T
Jackman - Bad Intention
Dawn of Humans - Blurts of the Birdflesh.
Church Whip - S/T
Redflesh - Raw War
Hunted Down - Life's Womb
Violent Reaction - S/T

Lp - £10

Mauser - Isolation
Degreaser - Bottom Feeder (£12 cus its from Oz)
Crazy Spirit - S/T
Kilslug - Sins, Tricks and Lies. (£16)
Sunflare - Young Love

Prices not including postage. Email or with order/enquiries and postage prices.


Verglas - MCMXCVIII Cassette - £3

Another cracker from these canadian punkers. Cant get enough of these at the moment. Had this tape and there other most recent demo (Satanism Juvenile) on repeat. Side A is a trade mark blast of blackened punk, a mixture of Akitsa and Bone Awl, with really great dynamics leaving no room for boredom. The other side is a weird harsh noise/drone song with plenty of feedback, screams and odd synths to create a raw and bizarre atmosphere.

Email or for orders/enquiries/postage.

DISTORT ZINES #37 and #38


Two new zines for your beady little eyes. All the way from the land of Oz this is a razor sharp assortment of reviews, commentaries and general ramblings about Hardcore Punk and other subjects. Great interviews with Bloodclot Faggots and Stab amongst others. Printed in a nice dark red with some real tasty images. £2 each.

Email or for orders/enquiries/postage.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Kilslug - Sins, Tricks and Lies LP


Kilslug - Sins, Tricks and Lies LP £16 (plus postage)

The best lowdown dirty horrible dirge punk! These boys have been killing it since the 80s and they havent stopped yet. The people behind a ridiculous amount of amazing bands including Upsidedown Cross, The Sickness, Angry Hate, Ointment and many more. The record format alone is worth the price, an 11" on blood red vinyl that plays backwards (from the middle out). Then there is the music rolling along at a leering midtempo the songs ooze with filth, and the vocals send a shiver down your back. Larry Lifeless is the best vocalist, he makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up, you feel tarnished listening to his whine. DO NOT MISS OUT.

Email or for postage/enquiries/orders. Limited Appeal don't do wholesale hence the extra cost to normal, but trust me its well worth it.

Listen to the sample below, and then order one.

Friday, 12 October 2012


Another day, another rampaging addition to the distro.

NO FUCKER - DEMOS, double cassette £6 (plus postage)

No thrills slab of raw, savage, D-beat. Never the most original but easily one of the best punk bands, the guitars just slay! If you like Discharge, Disclose and Anti-Cimex then these are the boyo's for you. This release comprises two tapes with the "Peace, They Hate the Very Word Demo" and "No Flesh Shall Be Spared Demo" and comes in a great audio cassette book case. If you liked the 7"s that came out on No Real Music you need this release.

£6 plus postage. Email or for enquiries/postage/orders.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


My friend JOHNSON posted these up on her tumblr,, reminded me of the good ol' days. Couldn't resist reposting them. Also check out her tumblr, its great.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Nightstick - Rock and Roll Weymouth

Nightstick - Rock and Roll Weymouth - £5 (not incl. postage)

Total rocker, heavy as fuck, dirge/noise/face destruction! I guess you would call it alternative rock but its basically just good rock which is severely lacking these days. Super blown out bass competes with wild guitar and pummeling drums while samples bleed in and out. If you like the Melvins, Harvey Milk or Warhorse get this record.

£5. Email or for orders/enquiries/Postage

Heres a sample you can listen to before it arrives in the post.

Church Whip - S/T


Church Whip - S/T - £4

Two brilliant labels  (Fallow Field and Corpse Without Soul) join forces to bring forth this whopper of hulking Hardcore and Black Metal. Alot of these Blackened Punk bands to my ears are very english influenced, hints of Oi!, and definitely Punk not Hardcore. Bone Awl and Sump are great examples. These guys to my mind have managed to do something new and served up a mighty whack of raging blackened Hardcore. Maybe even a little bit Blackened D-beat!? anyway enough of that shit basically it sounds fast and heavy, great riffs, vocals got plenty of snarl and 'verb and the whole thing is just done really fucking well. The cover folds out into a poster and the b-side has a killer metal guitar solo.

£4. Email or ballokknyf@gmail. com for orders/enquiries/postage.